#39: He knows how important education is.

Friends, this is a two-parter. So brace yourselves.

I’ll take on basic, public education first.

Let’s be honest: I’m not thrilled with what’s going on in Obama’s former hometown. Chicago teachers have every reason to be unhappy with what’s going on in their town. And yes, yes it’s caused in part by the Democratic reforms.

But let’s look at the facts: President Obama KNOWS that cities like Chicago need serious reform. He also knows that change needs to start in the higher ups. But how exactly is he to do that? And let’s remember that he isn’t the end-all-be-all. The states are the ones who decide what they are going to do based on national incentives.

President Obama is rewarding states with higher standards, yes. Do I like that? Not so much, but I wouldn’t like anything that has to do with encouraging standardized testing in any form. But that’s not all they’ve offered.

He also is offering incentives for states that are encouraging the formation of more charter schools and alternatives to basic public education. And I’m a big believer – as I recently told a jury selection committee – that one type of education isn’t right for everyone.

I work in the public schools. I see the system take kids straight to the top every day. I also see it fail other kids – usually my kiddos, the ones in my classes or the ones who have adopted me as an extra parent – every day. Do I think it prepares them for the real world? A little. Enough to make their struggles worth it? No way.

No Child Left Behind didn’t work. I thought it might – but then, I was quite young and still in public schools in Texas at that time. So we can see where I may have been confused. Still, I have to say that I don’t blame them for trying it, only for pretending that it worked for way too long. Don’t wait to abandon ship until the water’s up to your chest. Get out when there’s still room in the lifeboats.

So anything that President Obama does to try and change our schools is okay by me – even if it means it makes my job harder or means that maybe I shouldn’t be teaching anymore. Because right now, the system isn’t working. And as our kids learn in science class, a hypothesis must be tested before it can be proven true or not. So let’s give his way a try before we just discount it, right?

Thanks for the new ideas, Obama, I’m waiting to try them with safety goggles on.