#25: He HAS made progress.

One of the very first things that any opponent will say about an interim candidate is that they aren’t fulfilling their campaign promises.

And of course they’re always right. No one EVER makes it through every promise because it’s impossible with all the ridiculous posturing that goes on during any election.

But what I’m looking at is what Mr. Obama HAS accomplished. I’ll list off what I know, but understand that it is in no way an exhaustive list. He:

  1. Got the girls a dog.
  2. Made an international tax-haven watch list.
  3. Implemented the “Women-Owned Business” contracting program.
  4. Created a credit card rating system that normal people can understand.
  5. Expanded loan programs for small businesses.
  6. Expanded the Senior Corps. (That’s a thing, look it up.)
  7. Required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions – and that’s a MUST for me.
  8. Everything else under the Obamacare stuff.
  9. Fully funded the Violence Against Women Act.
  10. Ended war in Iraq.
  11. Ended stop-loss, torture, and a lot of other not-quite-right military policies.
  12. Reformed NCLB.
  13. Expanded Pell Grants.
  14. Repealed ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’
  15. Killed Bin Laden.

Honestly? This is enough for me to give him 4 more years. And I’m surprised that it isn’t for many of the Obama supporters from 2008.